Value for Value ⚡️
Longy - Katherines Wheel
Episode Summary
Music Played in This Show Brrreadfan - Die Die Die my Dollar Captains of Moderation - Eager to Linger Scott Obrien - Big Time School Damage - Critical Excess Battle Axe - Horse Fight Longy the Underclass Longy - Katherines Wheel Prismind - Time Unforgiving Re-Activate - Fakin’ Da Funk Massacre at the Opera - Why God Why Demoncrusher - Corazón de Hierro HELP I’m running out of music! Please send metal artists to - so I can play their songs! Previous Show’s Bonus Song jimmy V - The Real World Show notes In order to keep my RSS feed smaller you can find detailed show notes for this episode at / Support Lightning Thrashes V4V Zelle - PayPal Donate Page Lightning Thrashes Amazon Wish List