Value for Value ⚡️

Is Bitcoin inevitable and how do we scale Bitcoin?

Episode Summary

Dario Sneidermanis is an Argentinian Bitcoiner and the creator of Muun Wallet.ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED TO YOUTUBE MARCH 2023: FILMED MAY 2022.(00:00:00) Introducing Dario(00:00:26) Dario's experience with inflation in Argentina(00:10:22) Are westerner's disconnected from the effects of inflation?(00:18:25) How did Dario discover Bitcoin?(00:22:07) Challenges and concerns regarding Bitcoin scalability and self-custodianship(00:28:29) Is it possible to have freedom without sound money?(00:31:05) Is Bitcoin inevitable and how do we scale Bitcoin?(00:39:55) The vision for Muun Wallet(00:47:37) The challenges with building Muun(00:49:48) What has Argentinian bitcoiners learned from El Salvador?(00:58:25) The inspiration behind the name Muun(01:00:07) How many Argentinians are using Bitcoin?(01:03:51) The Bitcoin community in Argentina(01:05:49) What does freedom mean to Dario?
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