Value for Value ⚡️
Translating Quarto documents
Episode Summary
A peek behind the curtain of how R handles that batch of code you send to the console, an adventure in automating the translation of Quarto documents to
multiple languages, and there's no time like the present to give your code a little linting love.Episode LinksThis week's curator: Sam Parmar - (Mastodon) & @parmsam_ (X/Twitter)Long input linesTranslating Quarto (and other markdown files) into Any Langua... Show More
multiple languages, and there's no time like the present to give your code a little linting love.Episode LinksThis week's curator: Sam Parmar - (Mastodon) & @parmsam_ (X/Twitter)Long input linesTranslating Quarto (and other markdown files) into Any Langua... Show More