Value for Value ⚡️

I think that's the biggest thing for people to keep in mind is just like any privacy tool. It's not a silver bullet. It doesn't just make you magically invisible because you're using Monero. You gotta worry about other ops tech as well. So that's definitely an important thing to keep in mind as we talk about it as just like when we're talking about Whirlpool on Bitcoin. It didn't fix everything. It fixed a very specific issue, and then you had to be cautious with the rest of your OPSEC of using email aliases, of using encrypted messengers, of, just thinking broadly about OPSEC. But it does nail that financial privacy part really, really well. And so if you're thinking about the way that you approach personal privacy more broadly, it'll enhance everything else that you're doing for sure.

Episode Summary

In this episode, we welcome you  into the world of Monero, a cryptocurrency renowned for its privacy features. We start by discussing the basics of Monero, its role as a privacy token, and how it compares to Bitcoin. Co-host, Seth for Privacy, joins us as a new member of the Ungovernable Misfits crew, sharing his insights and experiences with Monero. The episode covers the history of Monero, its development, and the significant changes it has undergone to enhance privacy. 2024Conferences Monerotopia On/Off-ramps Growing atomic swap usage via UnstoppableSwap and BasicSwap Launch of Haveno Reto Delistings Gate_IO perps Technical improvementsFCMP++ protocol development being finished Rapid funding of technical CCS requests Explain how the CCS works, funding in Monero, etc. Quickly funded! Work on new addressing schemes that give drastically improved scanning key support JAMTIS and CARROT CARROT is the prevailing next step Attacks LinkingLion attacker running fake nodes to MitM real nodes Ban list now available, deployed on all Cake nodes and my node, instructions in show notes Cake Wallet DDoS Adoption Growing Monero usage for CoinCards, ShopInBit, MyNymBox Monerica popularity Barnjerky for monero UM clothing for monero CakePay growing, 4x since the beginning of the year Ecosystem growth Hardware wallet support for Monero on iOS in the latest Cake Wallet update Launch of XMRChat Launch of XMRBazaar Launch of Cupcake open beta Passport Prime announceme
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