Value for Value ⚡️

whispers of wind
Episode Summary
The fortieth edition of Mutton, Mead & Music.LOFI Special Edition Volume 4. Website: mmmusic.showContact: Download a modern podcast Support Podcasting 2.0 Listen to more V4V Music podcasts:No Agenda V4V Music Stream Find more V4V Music: Producers:@joelw@billybon3sSir TJ The WrathfulSir Jared of South Burien@broadreachmusicthebearsnare.comMemes1337 (Memes Elite)@embleton Value4Value music played on this episode:c.Kostra - Double CrushChronic Fatigue - Determined BeamThe Band Oslo Snowe - Dream Away (Wood Nymph Prelude)The CoinHeads - I Got BitCoinSir Seat Sitter - That DuckZonz - Bach BeatParadise - White NightsDouglas Feeldro - Sun DropsProsperous Soul - Big MachineNo Copyright LoFi - Moonlight RhythmNo Copyright LoFi - Vintage DreamsMigl - whispers of windOrange Rabbit - βροχή στον κόλποMr. Information - Let It OutSimon Hawker - TOMATO VENDETTAJohn Trainum - Everywhere, All The TimeSato - Un planeta de pitufosFalcon T-Shirt - y1k - BraveheartAlfred Integer and The Rolling Blackouts - Mempools (When Clear) - Matt And Marty Rabbit Hole Rhythm Mix (Single)Disco Bunny Orchestra - Heaven Inside YouTom Ramires - Track 2