Adam Curry

Value for Value ⚡️


Episode Summary

Moe Factz with Adam Curry for January 11th 2023, Episode number 89 - "Mass Confusion" Description Adam and Moe lay out their take on Mass Formation Download the mp3 Chapter Architect: Dreb Scott Big Baller Benjamin Naidus Executive Producers: Benjamin Naidus Anonymous Timothy LePes Katherine Bishop Brett Hahn Associate Executive Producers Ariana Hartsock Jill Woods Transcript Database Check out the show on Podcasting 2.0!
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  • who writes the code/4th def violence/how free are we really
  • 4 definition of violence/who writes the code
  • rewriting history
  • I can at least say that I tried to warn you.
  • They're saying what I said again...
  • theflipiscoming
  • shut up already
  • Lizard People 🦎