Value for Value ⚡️

Come and Go
Episode Summary
Here is today's set of tracks Simon Hawker - EVERYBODY BLEEDSRock'n'Roll Submarines - Rock'n'Roll SubmarineAngels Junk - Marrakesh SpicesBen Jonesy Jones - On Your Way HomeMartin Grooms - HoneyFiloxera - Las HorasThe Displacement Method - Come and GoMiles Fonda - Emo StormtrooperBen Mason - Fuck It (Demo) Opening monologue by Prince from "2045: Radical Man" (2004) This episode of Sats and Sounds is sponsored by Podcast Guru Podcast Guru is an easy to use V4V app that has native versions for both Android and iOS. The app is from a small indie team dedicated to expanding Podcasting 2.0 and V4V.Download using the links below! Donate to the show! Podcasting 2.0 & Value4Value This is a Podcasting 2.0 compatible podcast. This means if you're listening to this podc