Value for Value ⚡️

Im Back

Episode Summary

In this episode of Podcast Answers, we explore Apple’s latest move to bring Apple Podcasts to the web, making it accessible on any device, including Android. Discover the implications for podcast creators, from expanding reach to new audiences to leveraging the platform’s subscription features. We also discuss how this change could reshape the podcast landscape, with tips on how to make the most of this new opportunity. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve and grow your podcast effectively in the evolving digital space. Need Help? Do you need help with podcasting? I do one on one consulting and I want to help you. Lets set up a time to do a call. Video created with Ecamm The video for this episode was created with Ecamm. Ecamm is a Mac app that is used for recording video and live streams. Check it out at (affiliate link) Podcast Hosted On Captivate The audio for this podcast is hosted on Captivate. To host your podcast on Captivate, check out (affiliate link) Support This podcast is supported from listeners like you. Did you get value out of this podcast, in return we ask that you give us what ever you feel this content is worth. Go to and become a one time supporter or monthly supporter and get bonus content, early releases and more
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