Value for Value ⚡️
But just before we jumped on to this recording, my missus was sat watching TV. I think it was maybe Netflix documentary thing on some Dutch fuck who had gone around selling his sperm to everyone. Oh, was this the man with a 1,000 a 1000 babies or something like that? Yeah. We we saw the preview of on Netflix. Did you know that this guy I I didn't I watched, like, 3 minutes of it while I was just getting ready for this, but this guy is from the Netherlands. He looks a bit sort of like he could be Bert. And on all his YouTube videos, all he's talking about is how Bitcoin is the future while just getting everyone pregnant. He's literally flying around the world, selling his cum, and just evangelizing about Bitcoin. And I'm like, I just wonder if this is a mode runner. It has to be, doesn't it? Does he leave a single orange tulip with the jar of sperm? I mean, to be fair, it actually sounds horrific because it's gonna cause some issues down the line. But I guess he was just stacking, and he thought, every time I ejaculate, I get some more sats. Let's just keep going. This guy's a node runner. There's no question about it. And it's probably Bert. Yeah. It looks like Bert just with longer hair. Well, did did Bert recently cut his hair? Well, it's longer. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. It's a question for all the node runners out there. Do we know this guy? Is it Bert?
Episode Summary
Ungovernable Misfits – ACTION NEWS!!!Episode 6Show NotesACTION NEWS!!! Is your source for news on the #Bitcoin mining scene! Statistics, #Bitcoinmining news, energy market alpha, comedy relief and as always, witty banter between Jon and Max. Gear Up!! Ungovernable Misfits style! Get the software that Bitcoin deserves, and wear the clothing that privacy activists deserve. The Samourai Privacy Defenders T-Shirt from Ungovernable Misfits.Intro Music: Kenny Rogers - The GamblerIn this episode of Ungovernable Misfits – ACTION NEWS!!! We cover our Solo Sundays project with Demand’s SV2 build and guide by Urban Hacker. We cover another excellent Bitcoin Bugle article from Rod Palmer – Miners Signal Support for Trump. Solo Sundays with Demand’s SV2 and guide by Urban Hacker. Jon gives an update on his trip to Mining Disrupt. Miners feel major pain, meh, no biggie, we’re used to it. Miners diversify their focus into AI cloud mining, LoD helps miners do this, but some like Marathon go straight to shitcoins. As always, Pleb Miners have a great opportunity to diversify by capturing waste heat. Stretch your cold fist with an Avalon Nano 3 in your backdoor. Altair and Barn bring Hash the Torch to a new level. Paying miners for the privilege to HODL? wanna be gangster David Scalzo writes an article for BM.We begin this episode as we do all shows, by communicating with all of you via podcasting 2.0 boosts. Be sure to Boost on the podcasting 2.0 app of your choice. At Ungovernable Misfits we offer a feature rich podcasting 2.0 experience.Jon and Urban Hacker have developed a guide for true solo mining with the help of Urban Hacker has two guides on how to get started in his web page, the easy mode and the hackers way. If you have any trouble getting your node setup and mining, let us know, we want every miner to at least have the capability and ability to truly solomine and create their own block template, whether it makes financial sense for you or not, you should still have the knowledge and hardware to accomplish this task.Lincoin Mining brings you Statistics Boty has achieved full sentient enlightenment, for real!?, nah, he’s still a homie. ACTION NEWS!!! Has ACTION PACKED Sponsors Bifrost ManufacturingAltair Bitcoin Mining Solutions use promo code: UNGOVERNABLE