Phantom Power MediaMusic

Value for Value ⚡️

The Trusted (great band from UK)

Episode Summary

Dovydas Joksas, CEO & Founder of RSS Blue and Mitch Downey, Co-Founder from Podverse, join me in a discussion of what RSS is, and why its important to musicians and #Value4Value! It gets techy, but we try to keep it at 35,000 so dumb bass players (like me!) can understand it.
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  • Dovydas
  • Mitch
  • Value4Value
  • Exchange of Value
  • 97.3 FM, KBCO
  • 1,000 True Fans
  • The Podverse App
  • How I "sell" it
  • Mitch & early adopters
  • It's like a mixtape!
  • Final thoughts from Mitch
  • Final thoughts from Dovydas
  • Thank you & wrap up!

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