Value for Value ⚡️

Gambling Vs Investing

Episode Summary

Why is investing in Game Stop going to cause the collapse of the financial system?In episode #475 of Mere Mortals 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: Tom Bilyeu's perspective that all financial actions are a form of gambling, James Jani's videos on GameStop and Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY), how the irrational belief of "mother of all short squeezes" (MOASS) will lead to the financial system's collapse, our past financial delusions in stocks/properties/NFT's, the aftermath of bubbles bursting and Juan's current delusion of the impact of AI by 2026 (my opinion - correct).Huge thanks to Lyceum and all the other sat streamers out there. Your support means the world to us!Timeline:(00:00:00) Intro(00:03:00) Gambling Vs Investing(00:11:53) The GameStop Phenomenon(00:22:23) Bed Bath & Beyond: The Cult Of The Dead Stock(00:28:03) Boostagram Lounge(00:32:00) Personal Financial Delusions(00:45:02) Profiting From Financial Delusions(00:53:01) Bitcoin & Ignorance(01:00:01) Aftermath Of Financial Bubbles(01:11:52) Robert Downey Jr. On Wall Street(01:12:50) V4V: Time/Talent/Treasure Connect with Mere Mortals:Website: 4 Value Support:Boostagram:
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