Value for Value ⚡️
Consider the Cassette
Episode Summary
Debut at BTC Prague & Cypherpunk Meetup. This episode we introduce the audiozine, feature music by Deepologic, and have two articles. The articles are: Consider the Cassette, which is a overview of how magnetic recording works and modern applications. The second is Data-over-Audio where we discuss how to send, well, data over audio. Links: GGWave: Track list: Side A (20 minutes) Intro by Josh Datko Music by Deepologic Consider the Cassette, article by Josh Datko Side B (20 minutes) Music by Deepologic Data-over-Audio, article by Josh Datko Music by Deepologic Call 1-877-BIT-LOFI and leave crazy messages on a real cassette! How to get a physical tape: Mail a postcard with your return address to P.O. Box 273029 Fort Collins, CO 80525 I will mail you the tape for free when the issue is out. You return the value with your time, talent, or treasure. I thank you by adding your name/nym to the jcard (if you provide it).