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It's A Mood
Mike NeumannMusic
Mike NeumannMusic

Value for Value ⚡️


Episode Summary

Episode 3 - Wrecked August 13, 2023 I didn't wreck, but I saw a wreck, and a few of these songs wreck me. In this episode you'll hear these great songs:  Bass - Timmy Still DownAinsley Costello - DaydreamerThe Doerfels - Don't Forget MeLongy - Don't Get Me StartedMandelbro - EyesDJ Yo! - It ItchesHurling Pixels - Mine EnemyNate Johnivan - MomNate Johnivan - LateJon Ross - Keep On Playin' I Told a Lie - DJ Yo! - background throughout Musicians: Scoot on over to Music Side Project or Wavlake.com to publish your tunes the value4value way! Podcasters: Spin up your own Music podcast just like this (or better) using SoveriegnFeeds.com AND thesplitkit.com. Music Enthusiasts: Browse all of the v4v music using lnbeats.com as listed on Podcastindex.org. Geekts-and-Nerds: Check out the thought and energy engine powering this whole adventure at the Podcasting 2.0 podcast and Podcast Index masto host. and last but not least, Get thyself a modern podcast app to truly be a part of giving value back to these talented musicians directly as you listen.  
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