Adam Curry

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Episode Summary

Moe Factz with Adam Curry for March 20th 2024, Episode number 97 - "Flowers for Fuller" Moe and Adam give you a Booster Shot of Truth Download the mp3 Chapter Architect: Dreb Scott Big Ballers Brian Telecky margaret shapiro Ocie Elliott Executive Producers: Brian Telecky margaret shapiro Ocie Elliott Dwayne Melancon James Lawler Ryan Tierney Eric Hoff James Fraederichs Brian Genack Kyle Mann Mahingus Silver Summer Norris Associate Executive Producers Marshall Spoon Anonymous george james Christopher Di Biase Michael Burdett Amy Mullin Transcript Database Check out the show on Podcasting 2.0! Boost us with Value 4 Value on: Shownotes Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things - YouTube Tacky Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Trashy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Terroristic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster "The Use and Abuse of Blight in Eminent Domain" by Martin E. Gold and Lynne B. Sagalyn Clips Music in this Episode Intro: Common - They Say (Instrumental) Outro: Marvin Gaye - For us both I'll be concerned ShowNotes Archive Donate to the show at Search for us in your podcast directory or use this link to subscribe to the feed Podcast Feed For more information: Last Modified 03/20/2024 15:20:43 by Freedom Controller  
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  • setting up the blacks to take the fal