Value for Value ⚡️

Like, this is piss easy. There's really no reason now for someone not to try Ashigaru wallet without giving too much away. We're gonna be working on some things, on Goverful Misfits to help this along as well material wise. So that'd be interesting to see over the coming months. But, when I compare this to, I don't know, five, six, seven years ago trying to do this kind of stuff and tearing my fucking hair out, but you sort of persevere because you know it's worth it and and how powerful it is.

Episode Summary

DOJO IS UNOFFICIALLY AVAILABLE ON START9!Thanks to Perturbed Prejudice for laying the digital cash on the line to make this a possibility.Thanks to Eric PP for porting a working copy of Dojo and making it real.Thanks to Otto, Takinbrrr for taking the time to make Dojo and Fulcrum work!Thanks to Black Coffee, Arthur, Kobie, Max BBB, Colonial & QnA for testing the software on their various devicesThanks to Max Tannahill & Pavel The Coder for all of their insight.Thanks to kn0wmad for his Start9 know how 👍Where to get it:Download ---> ---> Sideload Service ---> dojo.s9pkOptional Download: LINKS https://freesamourai.com FOR VALUEThanks for listening you Ungovernable Misfits, we appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy the shows.You can support this episode using your time, talent or treasure.TIME:- create fountain clips for the show- create a meetup- help boost the signal on social mediaTALENT:- create ungovernable misfit inspired art, animation or music- design or implement some software that can make the podcast better- use whatever talents you have to make a contribution to the show!TREASURE:- BOOST IT OR STREAM SATS on the Podcasting 2.0 apps @ DONATE via Paynym @ DONATE via Monero @ BUY SOME CLOTHING @ BUY SOME ART!! @ Introduction and Overview(00:27) Barriers to Running a Dojo(02:33) Strength and Options of Dojo(04:24) Open Source and Community Contributions(06:57) Development Journey and Collaborations(09:17) Technical Details and Future Plans(11:12) Acknowledgements and Closing Remarks
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