Value for Value ⚡️
Adam says Apple will never release a podcast app for Android
Episode Summary
Shownotes Podcasting 2.0 for June 18th 2021 Episode 42: All a Flutter Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on highlighting the definition of Podcast vs Netcast And In Alabama, The man who can give you an alternate to your enclosure Ladies... - My Friend on the Other End -- Dave Jones! Crank those value sliders up on any of these value 4 value streaming payment apps: Podfriend Breez app CurioCaster Sphinx Chat App Podstation Browser extension Download the mp3 Check out the podcasting 2.0 apps and services Support us with your Time Talent and Treasure Shownotes Dave Jackson School of Podcasting Big Players retracting from open ecosystem Apple Subscriptions Spotify no more RSS Hosting guys, this is getting real. Stay Strong What is a podcast email Kazykstan Apple podcasts on android Sofia with an F misogynists less than Rogan Flutter IPFS no longer optional with GDPR liability Alternate enclosure Castopod Lock tag LOL Breez Video Curiocaster Wallet withdrawls Keywords