Value for Value ⚡️
Today we celebrate Ayn Rand's Birthday. February 2, 1905 will live forever once her ideas gain hold in a culture. Any culture - hopefully America's. The sooner the better.We also discuss other positive cultural trends such as homeschooling, the Progress movement, and other stuff, e.g.,, how to send a RandsDay boostagram (digital telegram wither a donation / super comment with a payment) of 221,905 Satoshis (bits of a Bitcoin).Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole Town Hall. Feel free to introduce yourself to the other members, discuss the different episodes, give us constructive feedback, or check out the virtual room, Speakers' Corner, and step up on the digital soapbox. Welcome to our new place in cyberspace!Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:Anthem - CliffNotesEgo - WiktionaryMartin's blog, EGOMartin's podcast, EGO NetCastAyn Rand: A Sense of LifeUrkällan (The Fountainhead in Swedish) - WikipediaThe Fountainhead - CliffNotesThe Fountainhead (film) - WikipediaThe Fountainhead - Warner Bros.The Fountainhead - IMDbWe the Living (movie)We the Living - The Ayn Rand InstituteRoots of Progress Institute Boom SupersonicJames Pethokoukis - The Breakthrough InstituteUp Wing / Down Wing - Faster, Please! newsletterAyn Rand's quote on smokestacks - Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial RevolutionSearch on "Frank Lloyd Wright" - The Secular Foxhole siteAtlas Shrugged - CliffNotesSearch on "homeschool" - The Secular Foxhole site