
Delete account

Permanently delete your Podverse account.
  1. To permanently delete your account, click on the profile drop down button.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click on the Delete My Account button, then follow the directions on screen.

Play chapters

Navigate through chapters on supported podcasts to quickly jump between segments of an episode.
  1. Start on the Podcasts page by clicking the Podcasts tab on the left navigation panel.
  2. Search for or click on the podcast to navigate to its podcast page.
  3. Expand an episode by clicking on its episode card.
  4. Click on the Chapters heading to expand the list of chapters for that episode.
  5. You can click the play button next to each chapter to jump directly to that portion of the episode.

Create a clip

Create a clip of the podcast you are listening to that can be shared with anyone. NOTE: If a podcast inserts dynamic ads, then the timestamps of a clip will not stay exactly accurate.
  1. While the episode you would like to make a clip for is loaded in the miniplayer at the bottom of the screen, click on the Scissor icon near the bottom right to begin making a Clip
  2. From here, you can Title your clip and enter a Start and End time.
  3. Before clicking Save to publish your clip, you can click on the Public button at the top right and switch it to Private if you want your clip to only work with a direct link.
  4. After clicking Save, your new Clip URL will display.
  5. To find your Clips later, click on the My Profile tab on the left, then click the filter and sort by Clips.

Delete a clip

Delete a clip you've created.
  1. To delete a clip, first navigate to My Profile, then sort by Clips.
  2. Find the clip you would like to delete, then click the three-dot menu button to the right of it.
  3. Click "Delete Clip" and confirm to delete the clip.

Read cross-app comments

View cross-app comments and log in to reply.
  1. Start on the Podcasts page by clicking the Podcasts tab on the left navigation panel.
  2. Search for or click on the podcast to navigate to its podcast page.
  3. Expand an episode by clicking on its episode card.
  4. Click on the Comments heading to show comments for that episode.
  5. Clicking on a comment will open a separate web page directly to that comment where you can log in to participate in the discussion.

Add custom RSS feed

Add RSS feeds directly to listen to your favorite podcasts.
Feature not available on web.

Add custom RSS feed with username and password

Add private RSS feeds directly to listen to your favorite podcasts.
Feature not available on web.

Download episodes

Download episodes to easily access them later offline.
Feature not available on web.

Delete all downloaded data

Delete all downloaded data.
Feature not available on web.

Turn on/off auto download episodes

Enable or disable automatic downloads for new episodes.
Feature not available on web.

Mark an episode as played or unplayed

Mark episodes as played or unplayed to keep track of your progress.
  1. From the Podcast page of your choice, click the three-dot menu button next to the episode you want to mark as Played or Unplayed.
  2. Click "Mark as Played" or "Mark as Unplayed" to toggle whether the episode appears with the green checkmark or not.

Delete a history item

Remove individual items from your history.
  1. Click on the History button on the left navigation page to view your history.
  2. To remove individual items from your history, click the Edit button at the top right of the window, then click on the X to the right of the entry.

Delete all history items

Clear you entire Podverse history.
  1. Click on the History button on the left navigation page to view your history.
  2. To clear your entire history, click the Edit button at the top right of the window, then click Remove All and confirm.

Export OPML

Export your collection of RSS feeds to an OPML file.
Feature not available on web.

Import OPML

Import a collection of RSS feeds from an OPML file.
Feature not available on web.

Create a playlist

Create playlists of episodes and clips and share them with anyone.
  1. Episodes can be added to a Playlist from any Podcast page. Start by navigating to a Podcast you would like to add episodes of to a Playlist.
  2. On the bottom right of each episode in the list are three dots. Click on the three dots to expand more options, then click Add to Playlist
  3. From here, you can click "Create Playlist". You will be prompted to give your new playlist a name.
  4. After clicking OK, your new playlist will appear in the list with 0 items.
  5. You can then click on your new playlist to add the episode you are selecting to it. If you want to add this episode to other playlists at the same time, you can also do that here before closing the pop-up window.
  6. To find your Playlists later, click on the Playlists tab on the left side of the page.

Add or remove playlist items

Add or remove an item from a playlist.
  1. Click the More tab.
  2. Click Add to Playlist and select the Playlist you want to add the item to.
  3. To remove items, click the Playlist button on the left navigation pane and select the playlist you would like to edit.
  4. Click on the Edit button at the top right to enable editing mode.
  5. Click on the X next to a playlist entry to remove it.

Delete playlist

Delete a created playlist.
  1. Click the Playlist button on the left navigation pane and select the playlist you would like to delete.
  2. Click on the Edit button at the top right to enable editing mode.
  3. Click on the Delete button that appears and confirm to delete the entire playlist.

Subscribe to a podcast

Subscribe to podcasts to easily access them later.
  1. Start on the Podcasts page by clicking the Podcasts tab on the left navigation panel.
  2. Click on the search bar and search by typing in the name of a podcast you would like to subscribe to.
  3. Click on the podcast you are looking for to navigate to its podcast page.
  4. On the right side of the page you will find a Subscribe button. Click it to subscribe.
  5. You can find your subscribed podcasts by navigating back to the Podcasts tab and changing the filter to show Subscribed podcasts.

Subscribe to a profile

Subscribe to another user's profile.
  1. To visit a public profile page, you'll need a direct link to it.
  2. You can find your own profile page URL by clicking My Profile on the left navigation pane and copying the URL at the top of the browser. To subscribe to another user's profile, follow the link they provide you.
  3. Once you're on the profile page, click Subscribe.
  4. You can find profiles you've subscribed to on your Profiles page, located on the left navigation pane.

Add episode or clip to queue

Add an item to your queue.
  1. From the Clips tab, Click the three-dot menu button next to the clip.
  2. Click "Queue: Next" or "Queue: Last" to queue up the episode either next or last.

Set sleep timer

Set a sleep timer to pause playback when the timer runs out.
Feature not available on web.

Read episode transcripts

View episode transcripts when supported and navigate through them.
  1. Click on the Miniplayer to expand it.
  2. Click the name of the episode to open directly to that episode's page.
  3. Click Transcripts to expand and view the episode's Transcript.
  4. Here you can scroll or search through the provided transcript and click on sections of text to jump directly to where they were said in the Episode.

Enable value-4-value

Enable Value-4-Value to send Bitcoin donations and boostagrams to podcasters.
  1. You need a WebLN-compatible browser extension (like Alby) to send boosts.
  2. Once you've set up your browser extension, navigate to a V4V enabled podcast page.
  3. You'll find the Value for Value widget on the right side of the podcast page.

Play videos

Watch podcasts that support video playback.
  1. Start on the Podcasts page by clicking the Podcasts tab on the left navigation panel.
  2. Click on the search bar and search by typing in the name of a podcast with video.
  3. Click on the podcast you are looking for to navigate to its podcast page.
  4. Select an episode from the list below by clicking the play button below the episode description.
  5. The podcast will begin playing and the video will automatically display in a mini window on the bottom right of the browser.
  6. To view the video in full screen, click the Expand icon on the bottom right of the media player, then the full screen button on the bottom of the video.
