Richard Chelson and Bryan GoodwinEducation, Self-Improvement
Richard Chelson and Bryan GoodwinEducation, Self-Improvement
Richard Chelson and Bryan GoodwinEducation, Self-Improvement
Richard Chelson and Bryan GoodwinEducation, Self-Improvement

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This show is about two grumpy vets and a duuude who became friends and have been talking once a week for the last 4 or 5 years. These conversations result in many rabbit holes being chased. Finally, in our infinite wisdom, we decided to share this with you. To let you know that you can find someone to talk to about anything and still maintain your manly attitude. This show will talk about real subjects and real life, if that offends you, then change the channel. We are Podcast 2.0 compliant using the value-for-value model. So take a break and listen to 2 Grumpy Vets and a Duuude, solve the world's problems...and get nowhere!

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