Pam PriorBusiness
Pam PriorBusiness


Welcome to Cash Flow with Pam Prior. Pam is the Best Selling author of Your First CFO: The Accounting Cure for Small Business Owners. Each episode, Pam shows YOU secrets to increase the value of your business instantly, and what you SHOULD expect from your bookkeeping & accounting in WHATEVER form it’s in today... so YOU can Stop the endless cycle of just working for Cash and start enjoying the FREEDOM of having your CASH work for YOU. Pam was the Chief Financial Officer for a major multinational corporation. Today, she’s converted her executive experience with Fortune 500 companies AND bootstrapped start-ups - to help solo-entrepreneurs and business owners like you FIX Your Flow and get YOUR cash WORKING for you! Pam is a trusted financial advisor who's harnessed her LOVE of money management and uncanny ability to simplify normally complicated concepts in order to bring relief and confidence to business owners like you. As Pam worked with more and more entrepreneurs, from bootstrappers to BILLIONaires, she found they ALL share one common need: Business owners ALL NEED a trusted, reliable resource to sherpa them out of the sleepless nights of financial blindness.