Dr. Brian Lenzkes & Dr. Tro

Episode Summary

Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Kristina is a premier health coach and licensed dietitian-nutritionist with a functional and integrative approach. Kristina is especially passionate about a clean, cyclical ketogenic approach to treat inflammation and restore metabolic health. Kristina has a Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health from MUIH, she is the host and founder of Keto Symposium, the 1st low carb conference in New York. In their conversation, Tro, Brian, and Kristina talk about the upcoming Keto Symposium in New York, the damaging effects of sugar, diverticulosis, how strictly one can follow their diet without falling off the wagon, how unhealthy relationships with food can develop during childhood, food addiction and being in control of your eating habits, the Inuit tribe’s genetic inability to get into ketosis. For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening! Links: Kristina Hess: Keto Symposium Website Instagram Dr. Brian Lenzkes: Website Twitter Dr. Tro Kalayjian: Website Twitter Instagram
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