Bryan GoodwinSelf-Improvement, Education

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Thanks to boosts stream pay's @user50456778804705802114 @mariost2104380 @user1418343976470596460 @user6465513779413332560 @robertgomez640 @user6895229526496442710@ user8725507786725826810 @moncadad96 @oscar1990diaz106 @user1996186395908832112 @eddiem I have screwed up. I have don't it over and over again. I wasn't the perfect brother. I wasn't the perfect Son. I have let down my family many times over. I found out why lying does you no good. I have broken hearts, and I have failed as a father on many different levels. I have failed as a husband. I have rattled my marriage to its core. I have people pleased and let folks down many times in my long and storied life. I failed in many different careers, and I have had at least 8 failed business attempts. I have quit smoking only to take it back up again. I have failed to see how extraordinary I could make my life. That is until I stopped and looked at the path of destruction I have made. I blamed so many people for my problems. My Stepmom, my bio mom, my dad, my wife, my bosses, my kids, for the longest time it was always someone else to whom I would pan all the responsibility off to. Heck, I still do in a sense. But then I started looking at the common denominator in every circumstance. There was only one constant in each of those. That was me. About 6 years ago. I realized I didn't stand for anything. yeah I would pick and choose beliefs when they were in line with who I was with. Yet did it really define me? No, it didn't. Until 6 years ago and I woke up to the fact that I could change myself. Create the future from the future, not the past You can start over now It feels unsafe but that's ok Your mind is just wigging out Is there something wrong with you? Accept that you screwed up Look at where you went wrong Learn and plan how to not do that If you want to see what you are capable of Set up a consult call and let's talk.
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