Episode Summary

U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has had a week of bad headlines following reporting about possible ethics violations. Will Trump fire him? Climatewire editor Evan Lehmann and deputy editor Robin Bravender talk to an environmentalist who wants Pruitt to go and a friend of Pruitt who thinks the scandal is overblown. Greenwire reporter Kevin Bogardus fills us in on the details, and Climatewire White House reporter Zack Colman describes a groundswell of frustration among Trump aides towards Pruitt.* "Pruitt spread special hires throughout agency" (Greenwire, 04/04/2018), by Kevin Bogardus and Ariel Wittenberg: www.eenews.net/greenwire/2018/04/04/stories/1060078167 "Pruitt 'very concerned' about political blunders" (Climatewire, 04/04/2018), by Zack Colman: www.eenews.net/climatewire/2018/04/04/stories/1060078097 *This podcast was recorded midday Wednesday, April 4. It may not include the latest developments.
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